Fall 2022 Newsletter – Call of the Swan

141-acre Land Acquisition is Now Complete!

In early April 2022, grant and matching funds, supporters’ donations, and savings were used to purchase the Star Branch Headwaters from Mary Lynn Dobson.  If you recall, she graciously stepped up to make the initial purchase in 2020, taking the 141-acre tract off the market until Swan Trust was able to raise the necessary funds.  We are pleased to announce that the headwater streams, seeps, and springs of Star Branch and the surrounding forest now comprise the northwest corner of Big Swan Headwaters Preserve. 

The federal North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grants Program provided $75,000 towards the purchase, as Phase 2 of acquiring the entire Star Branch acreage, begun in 1998.

/In-kind match partner, TennGreen Land   Conservancy, provided a Baseline Documentation Report and Conservation Easement.  Wild Ones – Middle TN Chapter assisted with removal of Chinese Privet  bushes to restore streamside banks and a large calcareous seep.

Grant matching funds were donated by the TN Ornithological Society ($10,000) and   Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association ($5,000). Over 50 species of birds are documented on the new land, including 12 priority birds for the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region. TSRA is a long-term supporter of Swan Trust and has donated over $30,000 toward multiple land acquisitions for Big Swan Headwaters Preserve.

Our long-term vision for this corner of the Preserve is to remove loblolly pine from ridgetops and restore prairie barrens and savanna in collaboration with our partner, the Southeastern Grasslands Institute. Once prevalent on ridges of the Western Highland Rim, grasslands have all but disappeared, along with their flora and fauna, due to  changing land uses over the past two hundred years. We are excited to be the stewards of this new land and project!

Message from the President
Happy 30th Anniversary to Swan Conservation Trust!

TN Scenic Rivers Association’s Daniel Boone and Sally Barr present   a check to Cynthia Rohrbach, completing their $5,000 pledge match for the Star Branch Headwaters purchase.

From an original dream founded in December 1992 to currently stewarding a 1500-acre preserve and other lands, together we are achieving just what we set out to do: Protect the Western Highland Rim of Tennessee with an initial focus in Big Swan Creek watershed.

With your help, Big Swan Headwaters Preserve grew by 141 acres this year. You have created an amazing contiguous expanse of land, protecting the seeps and springs, wildlife habitat, and diverse plant communities. You have provided a living laboratory for education, exploration, and nature connection for future generations. You are part of a larger movement essential for human well-being and the survival of Earth as we know it. Nature is medicine. Green space lowers stress, reduces depression and anxiety, enables rejuvenation and healing of the soul, promotes happiness, and infinitely more.

Let the work we have achieved together be the foundation for another 30 years of saving land. Please help us by spreading the word! SCT depends on leaders, land owners, friends, family, events, partnerships, and donors to continue the dream, overcome challenges, and thrive in the coming years. 

Enjoy our newsletter’s scenes from the past year. Our well-attended fundraiser at the Fischer’s home, with music by The Homegrown Band, was an amazing influx of energy and new faces. Our outings and events this year provided numerous educational opportunities for nature experiences.

Thank you again for all your help, we cannot do it without you. We are proud to be part of the more than 60 million acres protected by Land Trust Alliance members. You are part of a nationwide growing movement of land trusts!

Forever Wild,
James Moore

Swan Conservation Trust
is a 501(c)3 land trust
established in 1992.

Our Mission
To preserve, protect, and restore native hardwood forests and scenic natural areas, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, and water quality on the Western Highland Rim of Tennessee

Board of Trustees
James Moore
Rose Crockett
Carol Nelson
Michael Lee
Kenny Breckenridge
Theresa Brown

Ellen Cook
Nathan Lafferty

Cynthia Rohrbach
Cindy Thomas

Swan Conservation Trust
PO Box 162
Summertown, TN 38483


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