Red Fox Release

fox-releaseIn July 2008, three Red Fox kits were released on Big Swan Headwaters Preserve in a continued partnership between Swan Conservation Trust and Walden’s Puddle, a wild animal rescue and rehabilitation center located just outside Nashville, Tennessee.

The kits were rescued when their mother was killed after she had made a den under his shed.

According to the TWRA, Tennessee’s state wildlife agency foxes are under increasing threat by the invasion of coyotes, with the significantly larger coyotes competing with foxes for
their space and food.

Southern Middle Tennessee is home to both the Red and Common Gray Fox. The Gray Fox is slightly shorter and stockier than the Red and does not have a white-tipped tail characteristic of the Red. The Red Fox has a silver phase in winter, but keeps the white-tipped

Swan Trust board member, Michael Cook, recently had a den of Gray Foxes take refuge under a brush pile in the woods near his home. Michael first became aware of the critters when, from the corner of his eye, he spotted some movement among the plants in his garden.

It was a time of drought, and a fox was after the moisture of ripe tomatoes.

Spotted, the fox quickly grabbed a tomato and scurried away under the fence. Mike followed out the gate, but the fox was nowhere to be seen. Drawn to look up, Mike was surprised
to see the fox sitting on a limb high up in a tree.

Yes, it’s true, Gray Foxes can climb trees. It allows them a way to escape from coyotes and dogs.

fox-release2The Red Fox kits released on the Preserve will find plenty of small rodents, rabbits, birds, insects, wild fruit, and berries for their subsistence.

The size of the Preserve will accommodate pair territories that vary from 150 to 1,500 acres.

Both the forest and restored native grass fields are suitable for fox foraging.

Of course, we are not sure where they are now!

To learn more about Walden’s Puddle, visit their web site:

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