Partnerships with agencies and non-profits have been essential to our accomplishments.
We are truly grateful for the following assistance:

Green Pond
Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation provided a State Parks Connections Grant that is fueling the initial phases of the Rail-Trail project.
Thanks to Kathleen Williams and the Foundation Board, a bridge loan is making the Green Pond land acquisition possible.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service awarded our second North American Wetlands Conservation Act Small Grant to preserve riparian and upland forest habitat for migratory song birds.
This grant enabled us to purchase 17 acres on Big Swan Creek, including the “Boiling Spring.”
Land Trust Alliance/ Southeast Office provided two grants for organizational development as Swan Trust moves
toward accreditation with LTA. Thanks to Suzi Berl for her consulting expertise.
TWRA Non-game Program – Biologist Pandy English is providing materials and assistance with amphibian and
reptile surveys on the Preserve.
TWRA Clean Streams Grant – David McKinney provided funds for the third annual litter pick-up on Highway
412, where it traverses the watersheds of Langford Branch and Swan Creek in Lewis County.
TWRA Ornithologist Scott Somershoe is sharing expertise and data analysis for the ongoing bird monitoring
project. In addition, birders Bill Pulliam, Susan Bradfield, Jeff Garner, Laura McCall, and Andrew Salhany gave
numerous early morning hours to the point counts.
TWRA GIS Division – Lorenda Sharber continues to provide mapping assistance.
TWRA Landowner Incentive Program – Clint Borum and Mark Gudlin donated materials, equipment, and
expertise to the native warm season grasses restoration project on 11 acres of Big Swan Headwaters Preserve.
TDEC Natural Areas Program cooperated on outings, public education, and management of Langford Branch
State Natural Area.