Saturday, April 20, 10 am Stillhouse Hollow Falls State Natural Area
(newest tract addition and second waterfall)
Meet at parking area off Hwy 43 outside Summertown (gas station rest room facilities)
Bart Jones, former President of the TN Native Plant Society (TNPS), and Cynthia Rohrbach will lead a joint hike with TNPS and Swan Trust. We will take a quick tour to the first waterfall on a steep, downhill trail. Then a short walk along the RR tracks leads to the new site and second waterfall. Spring wildflowers will put on a show! NOTE: There is no maintained trail in the new tract. We will be off-trail following the creek.
Saturday, May 18, 10 am Wildflower Hike on Big Swan Headwaters Preserve
Meet at The Farm Store, 100 Second Rd, Summertown
A joint hike with TennGreen Land Conservancy and Swan Trust will feature the rare Broadleaf Barbara’s Buttons (Marshallia trinervia) and late wildflowers in bloom. This loop trail traverses Sassafras Ridge, Cox Branch, and the Backbone overlooking Big Swan. Be prepared for shallow creek crossings. Lunch stop along the trail.
Saturday, June 1, 7:30 pm Night Hike: “Call of The Wild”
Meet at The Farm Community Welcome Center, 100 Farm Rd, Summertown
For one of our most popular events, join Pandy Upchurch and Bob English, renowned experts on all night sounds, as we visit several ponds and wetlands. We will listen and learn the mating calls of a variety of frogs, toads, and other creatures of the night.
Thursday, June 13, 8 am – noon Bird Outing with Buffalo River Chapter of TN Ornithological Society
Meet at The Farm Store, 100 Second Rd, Summertown
Bring lunch for picnic at The Farm Store. Food available for purchase.
Get up early and bring your binoculars for a morning bird walk on Big Swan Headwaters Preserve, the Backbone Loop. Trail featuring scenic overlooks of two creeks. The neotropical migratory birds will be singing along with the year-round resident birds, declaring their territories and building nests.
Saturday, June 29, 11 am Canoe Trip on the Harpeth River
Meet at Broken Paddle Outfitters, 8547 Charlotte Pike, Nashville TN
Clyde Gensert will lead us on a 5-6 hour scenic paddle on the Harpeth River! Trip highlights are historic Newsome’s Mill and Hidden Lake. Canoe rental $55, kayak rental $45. Be prepared with a waterproof container for your valuables and enough food, drink, sunscreen, etc. for all afternoon on the river. RSVP required so we know how many boats to reserve!!
Saturday, August 3, 2 pm Walking Tour of The Farm Community’s Prairie Barrens Preserve
Meet at The Farm Store, 100 Second Rd, Summertown TN
Cooper Breeden, Southeast Grasslands Institute Plant Conservation Manager, will lead us through the largest remnant prairie in Middle TN when its botanical grandeur is at its finest. Pollinating insects abound in response to the plant diversity — you must see to believe!
Saturday, September 21, 10 am Langford Branch State Natural Area (SNA)
Rescheduled after last year’s rain, a special tour of this Class II Natural Scientific SNA will be led by Allan Trently, stewardship ecologist. The 23-acre property was donated to Swan Trust by The Nature Conservancy and is cooperatively managed with the Natural Areas Program. Several rare plants are protected on the site, including Tennessee Yellow-eyed Grass, a federal endangered species. It should be blooming in the small seep, along with Largeleaf Grass-of-Parnassus, a state-listed rare plant. There is also an open barrens area with native grasses and wildflowers. Please RSVP for this tour as parking is limited.

Largeleaf Grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia grandifolia)
Saturday, September 28, 4 pm 8th Annual Fall Fundraiser!
Will and Susan Fischer’s Home, 2425 Douglass Glen Lane, Franklin TN
Enjoy great company, dinner, silent auction, and live music by The Homegrown Band!
Oktober Heritage Festival, Hohenwald TN — we will be there October 11 & 12, 2024!
November land stewardship day on Big Swan Headwaters Preserve!
Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more details and updates to these events!
Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more details and updates to these events!
Be sure to RSVP at!